======================================================= Descent: Anniversary Edition Levels Contest Entry Form ======================================================= This completed form is to be included with all entries. Full Name: Alexander T. Frase Email Address(s): frase001@maroon.tc.umn.edu Postal Address: 2831 James Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55408 Daytime Phone Number (612)-872-8559 Evening Phone Number (612)-872-8559 Name of Mission: The Observatory 1.3 Description of Mission: This level is single, anarchy or coop playable. It is based in a secret government mine, where research is being conducted into the behavior of certain mine bots. The operation is mainly run by small bots, with a few larger guards. These operations bots have been taken over by a strange computer virus (aren't all Descent levels like that?) Your job (should you choose to accept it) is to clean the mine of all bots, and report back to inform Earth Force of the nature of the virus that has taken over the mine. BY ENTERING YOUR NAME BELOW AND TRANSMITTING IT TO INTERPLAY(WHICH SHALL HAVE THE SAME LEGAL EFFECT AS YOUR SIGNATURE AND DELIVERY),YOU AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE TERMS OF THE RULES, INCLUDING, WITHOUTLIMITATION, SECTION 6 REGARDING OWNERSHIP OF YOUR SUBMISSION BY INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS. __________________________________________________ [Enter your name above if you have read and agree to the Descent:Anniversary Contest Rules]